Joining the dots? Special education and alternative provision - Sally Tomlinson and Craig Johnston

Areas of Interest Document

Department for Education

Alternative provision in local areas in England: a thematic review: Ofsted

Critical pedagogy and a pedagogy of discomfort: redressing social-political framings in alternative provision: Craig Johnston, Andrew Malcolm and Jodie Pennacchia

Outcomes beyond Evaluation: The Impetus and Measure of Relationships within Alternative Provisions: Craig Johnston and Tara Nolty

How is theory used to understand and inform practice in the alternative provision sector in England: trends, gaps and implications for practice: Craig Johnston, Andrew Malcolm and Jodie Pennacchia

Alternative spaces of failure. Disabled ‘bad boys’ in alternative further education provision: Craig Johnston & Simon Bradford

Other lives: relationships of young disabled men on the margins of alternative provision: Craig Johnston & Simon Bradford

Absence of value: Masculinity, disability, social class, and alternative provision Craig Johnston & Simon Bradford

Dis/locating Imagined Futures: The disabled habitus and young disabled people in alternative provision: Craig Johnston

What’s the alternative? Effective support for young people disengaging from mainstream education. Pat Thomson and Jodie Pennacchia

Hugs and behaviour points: Alternative education and the regulation of ‘excluded’ youth. Pat Thomson and Jodie Pennacchia

Complementing the mainstream: an exploration of partnership work between complementary alternative provisions and mainstream schools. Jodie Pennacchia and Pat Thomson

Exclusionary tactics in English secondary education: an analysis of fair access protocols. Jodie Pennacchia

Disciplinary regimes of ‘care’ and complementary alternative education. Pat Thomson and Jodie Pennacchia

Exclusions and alternative provision: piecing together the picture. Andrew Malcolm

Long-term outcomes for students who attend alternative provision schools: analysis of a national dataset at national, regional, local and institutional levels. Andrew Malcolm

Turning points in a qualitatively different social space: young adults’ reflections of alternative provision. Andrew Malcolm

Sustaining Post-16 destinations from Alternative Provision: a review of the data and the perspectives of heads from low, mid and high performing schools. Andrew Malcolm

In-school support units

Exploratory research aiming to understand the models and uses of in-school support units (ISU) by mainstream secondary schools in England

Research and analysis

Heads of alternative provision: committed to realising young peoples’ potential in an unregulated market. Andrew Malcolm

RELATIONSHIPS IN ALTERNATIVE PROVISION: A review of the literature. Andrew Malcolm on behalf of the Relationships Foundation

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